Canal & River Trust Rules

Use only proper access to the canal and do not trespass on adjoining land. Do not park vehicles where thy
obstruct access along the towpath or to other property. In particular observe British Waterways notices
preventing parking where 24 hour access may be required in an emergency for very heavy vehicles such as
Look after your Waterways.
Discarded hooks and lines bottles and tins can kill or injure wildlife. Gather them up and take them away
with you.
Consider others.
Make sure the towpath is easily passable by keeping your fishing tackle tidy.
Don’t obstruct locks, bridges, designated moorings, water points or turning points.
Boat crews need access to the bank within 25 metres of locks or moveable bridges so do not fish there..
Don’t bounce tackle off boats or tap them with pole tips – chipped paint is expensive to repair, and hooks
in ropes can put people in hospital.
Use a pole cup if you need to feed close to boats. Do not throw or catapult groundb ait. onto the decks or
against the hulls of boats – it damages paintwork.
Respect the privacy of people on occupied moored boats, including those on the opposite bank. Try to fish
at least 15 metres away. Some boats may not be able to avoid you if you fish on the outside of bends.
Take care. Don’t fish within 30 metres of overhead power lines. Look out and look up – electricity kills!
Look after your waterways and consider others.
Protect the waterway environment – keep noise to a minimum and don’t damage the vegetation or banks.
Take home everything that you brought with you, and leave the site as you found it.
Never dump rubbish, sewage or oily bilge water into the water or onto the bank.
Clean up after your dog and keep it under control.
Don’t light fires.
Things can go wrong on canals. If you see something dangerous such as serious damage to structures or
water escaping dial:0303 040 4040 or 0800-4799947(outside of office hours)
Report pollution, fly tipping or fish in distress to the Environment Agency: 0800 807060 (24hrs.)