Croft Head

Located close to Littleborough, Croft Head and its neighbouring pond Lower Townhouse are both popular among members due to its great fishing and sheltered setting.

Croft Head Factfile
What size are the ponds? Croft Head is approx 2 acres
What type of fishery? Mixed Fishery
When is it open? All year
Is night fishing allowed? No
How Many Platforms? 25 Platforms. Fishing from platforms only.
Any other Rules? Strictly no littering. No dogs allowed on site.
Can I get a day ticket? No. This pond is for members only.
What species can i find? Perch. Roach. Rudd. Ide. Tench. Carp. Gudgeon. Chub. Bream. Barbel.
What's the Address? Littleborough. OL15 9JN
How about parking and access? Car park must be used. Access down dirt road off Calderbrook Road - Adjacent to Ballard Close.

<br /> Croft Head<br />

About Croft Head

This water was aquired in 1993 when Littleborough anglers decided to 'call it a day'
A leak had caused the water to drain and all the fish had been removed.
This Society bought the surrounding field and project managed the complete restoration of the water.
Many tons of silt were removed,fishing platforms built,silt traps constructed and a car park created.
The water was restocked with lots of fish -and reopened for fishing in 1994.
This water is now one of our best fisheries.
Please see before and after photos on the right.
  • Before restoration March 1993