1. The group shall be called Todmorden Angling Society and shall be affiliated to the Angling Trust and
Fish Legal.
2. The objects of the Society will be to foster and promote the sport of angling at all levels providing
opportunities for recreation, participation and competition. The society also provides training and
education in the sport of angling and has wider aims of environmental improvement by protecting the
environment and restoring waters ‘from the dead’.
3. The society will achieve its objectives by attracting members both locally and from a wider area –
without any restriction on who can join. Waters will be rented or bought and stock fish will be
introduced regularly.
4. Surplus assets will be passed on to similar charitable groups should the Society ever be dissolved.
5. Membership of the Society will be open to anybody regardless of age, ethnic background or
disability . Membership can be obtained by writing to the ticket secretary, online via our website or over the counter at any of
our tackle shop outlets. No application form needs to be completed but the subscriptions and joining
fee (if applicable) require to be paid before fishing our waters.
6. The management committee are totally voluntary and will not receive payment for running the
Society but members may be reimbursed expenses and occasionally people who do work for the
Society may be paid on an hourly basis.
7. The duties of the management committee shall be as follows
– To control the affairs of the Society.
– To keep accurate accounts of the Society’s finances.
– Accounts to be made available for inspection by the members and will be audited by somebody
completely independent of the Society.
– Accounts to be presented to the A.G.M. in November for the year ending September 30th.
– To maintain a bank account in the Society’s name requiring at least two named and unrelated
senior officers to sign each cheque.
– Decisions will be made on the basis of a simple vote. The Chairpers on will be entitled to an
additional casting vote in the event of tied votes.
8. The Management of the Society shall be vested in a President, Chairman, Trustees(4), Vice Presidents(max
12), Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant Secretary, Poaching Officer, Match Secretaries(max 3), Junior Organiser, Public Relations Officer, Team Manager, Ticket Secretary, a Committee of six (max.) elected members, Canal Committee(Max 5), Maintenance Team, Nominated Predatory Bird Contracts and a Child Welfare Officer. All officials and committee to have voting power with the chairman having the casting vote.
Water Bailiffs will be appointed by election at the A.G.M. but will not be allowed to vote at
Committee Meetings. Vice Presidents and Presidents hold office for life and are life members of this
Society. All Committee, Officials and Water Bailiffs to be elected at the A.G.M. for a minimum
period of 12 months with the Committee having full power to Co-opt replacements until the following
A.G.M. to fill vacancies following resignation. Water Bailiffs may be appointed by the Committee at
any time. Independent accountants will be appointed at the A.G.M. Proposals for any new VicePresident
or President shall be the subject of an A.G.M. proposal, on the agenda and properly
seconded. Members may be re-elected to the same office the following year.
9. There shall be not more than four Trustees to the society. The first Trustees shall be appointed by the
Committee and the property of the Society (other than cash which shall be under the control of the
treasurer) shall be vested in them. The Trustees of the society are empowered with the authority or
direction of the Committee (of which an entry in the minute book shall be conclusive evidence).
a) To acquire land, property and fishing rights on behalf of the Society to be held by them as Trustees
for the time being of Todmorden Angling Society, b) Borrow such money as may be required from
time to time for the purpose of the society, c) Charge the assets of the Society including any land,
property or fishing rights to secure such borrowing by the Trustees as they may from time to time
require and d) Deal with land, property or fishing rights so vested in them by way of sale, mortgage,
charge, lease or otherwise. The Trustees shall be indemnified against risk and expense out of the
property of the Society. The Trustees shall not in any way be responsible for any debts or legal
liabilities incurred by the Society. The Trustees shall hold office until death or resignation or until
removed from office by a resolution of the Committee who may for any reasons which may seem
sufficient to a majority of those present and voting at any meeting remove any Trustee or Trustees
from office of Trustee. Whereby reason of any such death, resignation or removal that shall appear
necessary to the Committee that a new Trustee or Trustees shall be appointed or if the Committee shall
deem it expedient to appoint additional Trustee or Trustees the Committee by resolution nominate the
person or persons to be appointed the new Trustee or Trustees for the purpose of giving effect to such
nomination the President is hereby nominated as the person to appoint new Trustees of the Society
within the meaning of Section 36 of the Trustee Act 1925 and he shall by Deed duly appoint the
person or persons so nominated by the Committee as the new Trustee or Trustees of the Society and
the provisions of the Trustees Act 1925 shall apply to any such Deed of appointment shall in favour of
a person dealing bona fide and for value with the Society or the Committee be conclusive evidence of
the fact so stated.
10. That the Committee have full power to run the Society and that their decision shall be final in any
11. Committee meetings will normally be held on the first Wednesday in each month. Seven Committee/
Officials to form a quorum. Committee Officials and Water Bailiffs will be elected at the annual
General Meeting on the second Wednesday in November. Committee meetings will commence at
7.30pm and end by 10.30pm with Committee/Officials and Bailiffs only at 7.30pm – open to all
members from 8.30 onwards. Only Committee/Officials allowed to vote on any matter. Non
attendance at 3 consecutive Committee meetings will mean the individual concerned is automatically
off the Committee (except in exceptional circumstances).
12. Notice of motion or calling of an Extraordinary Meeting cannot be given without 28 days clear notice
to the Secretary by twelve fully paid members.